
Aquilae:Bestiary of the Realm for OSR/1E Fantasy Retroclones

Created by J. Evans Payne

The most ambitious, comprehensive, and enormous fantasy bestiary ever conceived, now for OSR:1,600 complete monsters, 6,400 statblocks.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

IGS State of the Realm Update: Q1 2021
about 3 years ago – Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 11:57:28 AM

(you can find the complete State of the Realm Q1 2021 update on the IGS website, here.)


  1. We’re sliiiightly behind our targets, but still making massive progress.
  2. We continue to produce output at our highest rate ever.
  3. 2020 saw a record amount of content completed and published.
  4. Still on target to see the completion of the entire backlog / pipeline of current work by the end of 2021.
  5. My current plan is to place all future kickstarters on hold until I successfully complete and deliver on the outstanding kickstarters.
  6. Two of our products have become Gold bestsellers; many others have become Electrum and Silver sellers.
  7. Thanks again to everyone who has helped make our one-person, fledgeling, indie RPG shop an actual thing these past 6 years!

Detailed Project Status

Things are actually in really solid shape.  I have a clear vision of the future, and what upcoming work is reasonable to achieve, when.

ABRE Hardcovers [in process]

The content and cover files were submitted and approved around the winter holidays, and hardcopy proofs ordered.  Still no shipment as of yet; I’ve reached out to DTRPG to see what has happened.  With COVID and other issues, they regularly report 30-45 day delays in printing, but this is beyond even that at this point.

Once the hardcovers have been reviewed and approved, I’ll commence with fulfilling hardcopies to those who are entitled to them.  Per prior comms, this will be handled individually: I will reach out personally to each individual backer deserving of a hardcopy of ABRE, and that backer will have a chance to verify their mailing address, finalize an edition, and if you’d prefer, receive a partial refund if you’re merely interested in the PDF version you now have.

Targeting fulfillment commencing Q2 2021.

ABRE Master Index [finished, pending MOA completion]

As I have all the needed information for all 1,660 monsters in a convenient Excel document, and have finished the number-crunching and prep.  All that remains is to include the Monsters of Aquilae additional critters once MOA is finished.

Targeting 1 Week After MOA is completed, 2021.

Content Conversion Guide  [completed]

This is completed, published, and fulfilled, with a bonus massive Excel Mapping Inventory provided free to entitled backers.  This is quickly becoming my most successful product of all time, and no wonder: for the price of a coffee, it’s more than 430 pages of richly-detailed utility and conversion goodness.

CCG is now available in hardcopy: fulfillment in both softcover and hardcover POD codes is complete as well.

Monsters of Aquilae (MOA)  [partially completed]

Pathfinder and 5E editions are completed, published, and fulfilled; I’m submitting content files for the hardcopy editions by end of March.

Pathfinder Second Edition version is nearly complete as of this writing; this and the OSR and DCC editions should be completed, published, and fulfilled by early April.

Hardcopy fulfillment to those entitled to (and waiting patiently for!) a copy will follow; see the “ABRE Hardcovers” description above for the approach.

Targeting April 2021 to complete.

FTEG Solo Adventuring Toolkit (FTEG SAT)  [in process]

The complete book will be enormous; it’s about 60% complete as of this writing.

The Solo Adventuring Quickstart was published this summer, and is an enormous success, with tons of great feedback and anecdotes of folks stranded at home during the quarantine using the book to drive some really interesting solo adventuring.  The QuickStart (and its accompanying Bestiaries) form the introduction to the complete SAT book; similarly, key elements of the Content Conversion Guide and the FlexAI Guidebook will also feature in the FTEG SAT.

Of note, the QuickStart and the accompanying bestiaries are now available as softcover hardcopies.

Targeting Q2 2021 to complete.

Artifacts & Artifice 3  [in process soon]

Nearly everything is done with this.  Still.  I need only to finish laying it all out and finish a small handful of the items’ flesh-outs.   It should be some low-hanging fruit that I can complete quickly following some of the above items.

Targeting Q2 2021 to complete.

Dark Obelisk 1: Collectors Edition  [complete; fulfillment in process]

This is complete, published, and fulfilled from a PDF standpoint.

I just this week received the hardcopy proofs.  POD codes for those entitled should go out early April.  I will also be ordering hardcopies for Adamantium-tier backers so I can sign and number them, and ship those out individually to each backer entitled to a set.

Targeting Q2 2021 to complete fulfillment.

The Mystery of Brushgather Farm  [complete]

This is completed, published, and fulfilled.

Gauntlets & Gaslight: Incarnae of Aquilae (IOA)  [in process soon]

(This was “ABR Volume 4”, unlocked originally as a stretch goal of ABR and then expanded in scope with its own KS campaign.)

Tangible progress: We finally have the overland map of the setting Nycarrad with dozens of points of interest scattered, and there’s tons done already on the detail.

Nearly everything is ready with this book; shouldn’t take too long to lay out pending completion of the above pipeline.

In a more general G&G sense, I’ve continued to work with artists, new and old, to produce more pieces.  There’s more than 100 pieces, now: more than for any other single concept in IGS history.

I realize those folks who backed the G&G Kickstarter have been waiting patiently for a VERY long time to see the fruits of the concept.  I’m fully committed to it still: G&G features heavily in the evolving detail of the mythology of Aquilae.

Targeting Q2 2021 to complete.

FlexTale Encounter Generator v2.0  [in process]

The holy grail, the tome of tomes… this endeavor is coalescing in the background of all other work.  I’ve been working on this for years already, and I cannot wait to put pen to paper laying it all out.  Much is already in Excel in various forms; the layout itself should be disturbingly straightforward once I wrap up the predecessor work.

From Dark Obelisk 2 onward into the future, all IGS adventure content will leverage FTEG to fuel and generate its encounters.

Some of the work in the Content Conversion Guide will feature in FTEG 2, and certainly learnings from the feedback I’ve received will find their way in as well.

I’ve actually begun work on the FTEG v2: Monsters tome, as a natural consequence of working on the Master Index.  That book is probably about 25% complete at this point.

Targeting Q3 2021 to complete.

Western Realm Gazetteer  [in process]

I’ve been spending a ton of development time on this.  The world map is already the most detailed thing I’ve ever worked on; more than 85,000 entities drawn and placed on a map that already contains more content than any gazetteer or map pack I’ve ever bought or seen myself.

At the end of 2020, I indicated that I need a firm schedule to make this thing happen, and that we’d be looking at August 2021 to produce the final book.

I’m as terrible at predicting pessimistic targets as I am at predicting optimistic ones: Mapping has gone MUCH more smoothly than anticipated, and so I’m a month or two AHEAD of that projection, if you can believe it.

This will be absolutely enormous in terms of density of content, and best of all, I’ve been organizing it along the way to make it as easy as possible to reference and use at the table.  The goal here—and I think I’ve achieved it—is to be able to literally open the book to any page, place the PCs on the map, and start an entire decade-long adventure campaign… all with ZERO PREP beforehand.  Because I’ve already spent the better part of 35 years planning things out, FOR you.  :)

Targeting August 2021 to complete.

Ultimate Character Compendium  [in process]

This is probably the single most-behind project in terms of the horsepower that’s still required to finalize.  I’ve generated a ton of the crunch, but it’s certainly not done.  The good news, however, is that I’m nearly in a place where I can dedicate all of my “crunch time” to generating statblocks for UCC.  There’s a very good chance the crunch-work will be complete by the time I wrap up the above so I can start laying things out.

I’m dedicating a small chunk of every workday—time that cannot be spent on layout or mapping or write-ups, for example—to UCC crunch development.  I’ve published the UCC Bookshelf, as well as Volumes 3 and 4, and I’m most of the way through Volume 5; hoping to continue this pace into next year.

Targeting 2021 for completion.

Villainous Locales  [in process]

Tangible progress: As part of developing the Western Realm Gazetteer, I’ve placed more than 150 Points of Interest directly related to the Villainous Compendium and the baddies therein.

The VL book will include an overland “heatmap” of the western continent of Aquilae, highlighting the locations of villainous hideouts and maps.  In addition, more than 50 regional maps will be included, showing the surrounding region where each and every villainous point of interest.

You’d be inclined to ignore these of course if you’re not playing in the campaign setting of Aquilae, but even if you aren’t using the IGS setting, having regional maps ready to go with zero prep describing the area around each zoomed-in actual map will be useful for many GMs.

This is all in addition to and a bonus on top of the actual planned content: a villainous locale map for each baddie in the Villainous Compendium.  That’s still happening!

Each and every one of the dozens of maps has been sketched out by hand.  Figure about a half to a full day per map to adapt to CC3+ and flesh out and lay out.

Targeting Q3 2021 for completion.

Prior Lives  [in progress]

This, too, has been part of developing the Western Realm Gazetteer: each and every one of the dozens of NPCs featured in the Prior Lives stories has two points of interest: one for their present location, and one for their “Prior Lives” formative adventure.

I realize it’s not much, particularly for those awaiting the actual adventures, but it’s in progress!

The adventures and backstory for all of Volume 1 is sketched out; I need to draw the maps and lay it all out.

Targeting Q3 2021 for completion.

MOA for 5E/Fifth Edition Released & Fulfilled!
about 3 years ago – Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 08:44:11 AM

Production & Fulfillment Update

It's here!  Monsters of Aquilae for 5E / Fifth Editionis now available.

Everyone entitled to a copy of this book has been sent a free link via DriveThruRPG.  If you don't receive an email from DTRPG in the next hour or so, please check your bulk/spam/deleted mail folder, and email me at infiniumGameStudios [at] and I will investigate ASAP.

Next Steps

It'll take probably the rest of March to complete the Pathfinder Second Edition, OSR, and DCC versions of Monsters of Aquilae.  I'll post and fulfill those just as soon as they're finished.

I'll be submitting the hardcover proof files for MOA in the next week or so; once those are accepted, I'll be able to order the proof copies, and once those are approved, I can begin fulfillment for those entitled to a hardcopy shipment and/or an at-cost print discount code.


Production Update: Monsters of Aquilae, Hardcovers of ABRE
about 3 years ago – Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 09:40:48 AM

Monsters of Aquilae

The massive 840-page Pathfinder edition was completed last month; if you're entitled to this and have not yet received a free copy from DriveThruRPG, please email me at infiniumGameStudios[at] and I will investigate.

I've submitted the files for hardcover review and should be able to order the proof imminently once they're approved.

5E edition is nearing completion, probably next week.  I'm hoping to complete the P2E, DCC, and OSR editions by end of March.  Hardcovers to follow ASAP thereafter per the same process above.

ABRE Hardcovers

As I've mentioned in prior updates, I placed the massive order for the proofs across all editions just before the new year.  Although I know DTRPG is claiming regular print delays of up to 45 days, it's well beyond that now; I've contacted support to see what's going on.  But until I receive the proofs, DTRPG will not let me begin fulfillment unfortuantely.

I know many of you are eagerly awaiting these; I am, too for sure!

As a reminder, if you're entitled to one or more hardcover books, I will reach out to each and every one of you individually to A: confirm your mailing address; B: confirm your rules edition preference; and C: confirm if you'd instead like a partial refund if you'd prefer to just keep the PDF version and not have a hardcover.


Production Update: MOA Completed!
about 3 years ago – Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 09:49:53 AM

Production Update

Monsters of Aquilae is now completed.  Fulfillment has been triggered; everyone entitled to a copy should receive a notification tonight from DriveThruRPG.  If you don't see one, please check your spam and bulk folders, and then message / comment / email me and I'll investigate to resolve ASAP.

How it Turned Out

I'm super proud of this thing.  At 840 pages, it's a behemoth.  It is literally impossible for me to cram more content into this volume, and I hope you enjoy what I've produced.

What's Awesome

  • Some super creative and interesting effects and abilities.
  • Over 200 monsters, each with 4 complete pages of content.

What's Not Perfect

Despite being awesome and despite my level of happiness with the results, I will volunteer that this book is not perfect.  Specifically:

  • Count: I physically could not fit the envisioned 225 monsters in the book.  DTRPG's printer has an absolute limit to page count, and this book hits that limit hard.
  • Illustrations: There are dozens in the book, and I'm really psyched at what is included.  That said, I recognize that many may be expecting an illustration for each and every creature, as many fantasy bestiary books provide.  The main issue here was time.  I simply could not wrangle illustrations from the artists I work with for each and every monster.

Next Steps

Other Rules Editions

This is the Pathfinder version.  Up next is converting the content to the other supported rules systems.  This will be done in parallel, and should go fairly quickly; the crunch itself is already done, so it's really just formatting and layout.  Figure by the end of March at the latest for 5E, P2E, DCC, and OSR editions.

Hardcopy Edition

I have a few pieces of additional art that I'm hoping to receive in the next week or two.  If I get them, I'll add them; if not, I'll submit the content files and order a proof, etc. so as to get the hardcopy edition published.  If you're entitled to a hardcover of Monsters of Aquilae, sit tight; I will be reaching out to each of you individually to confirm your address and rules system preference once I've finished this piece of things.

Thank You

Monsters of Aquilae is a book that has spent a very long time in the pipeline.  You will each be the judge of whether the long wait was worth it, but I could not be happier with the results, and I hope that you enjoy them with your gaming group.


ABRE Digital Resource Companion Published
over 3 years ago – Sun, Jan 10, 2021 at 05:18:25 PM

Hi all!  Just a quick update and a SURPRISE :)

ABRE: Digital Resource Companion

I've gotten a lot of requests for an Excel "data dump" of vital stats for the Bestiary.  And given the pretty shocking success of the Excel products I've published recently (the FlexAI DRC and the Content Conversion Guide Mapping Inventory), it's clear that folks want Excel tools to make the most of their time in game sessions.

So, I did a quick scan-through and dump into Excel of every single one of the 6,640 statblocks involved in the Bestiary to create the "Aquilae: Bestiary of the Realm Digital Resource Companion".

And, as a special thank-you to all of you who have supported this crazy endeavor from a very early point, here is a discount for this resource, bringing the price down more than 60%.

So far, the Digital Resource Companion is just for Pathfinder, but I'll be dumping the same kind of thing for the other supported rules systems (5E, P2E, OSR, and DCC) soon.  (You'll get a FREE copy of the OSR and DCC versions, naturally!)

MOA Production Update

Work on Monsters of Aquilae continues.  I remain on-target to complete and publish by the end of February, fingers crossed.  Thanks as always for your patience and support.
